Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oh, yeah, that's what I was going to blog about before I got distracted!

So I went downstairs on Tuesday morning, the morning that we reached our record low for the day of -29 (a high of -27) with windchils in the -40s, and I tried to start my car. It turned over fine, but the oil was in a solid block. Little did I suspect that overnight the plug I plug my block heater into had STOPPED WORKING! I called in, let them know at work, plugged my car into a different outlet, and headed upstairs. I returned a few minutes later with a lamp to see which outlets were working, and it was just as well I did because the alternative plug wasn't working either. The third try was the charm, as they say, and about an hour and a half later the car reluctantly turned over and caught. Needless to say, I didn't have a super day that day. Today, I walked outside and it was -19 with no wind, and I actually thought to myself, "Well, when did it get so nice out all of a sudden?" I don't want to hear any complaining from Ottawa about the rain, and I don't want to hear any complaining from Vancouver about the snow, because however bad you have it, Edmonton is getting it worse. Yay for you, you're glum because of the rain. Go outside for ten minutes without a jacket. Okay, you back? Are you alive? Then it's better where you are than it is here.

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