Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Jenn's Birthday Dinner, Redux

Jenn's birthday week-long celebration has come chugging to a conclusion with her final birthday dinner Tuesday night at Tropika, which has three locations: Edmonton South, Edmonton West, and Calgary on Centre Street. We went to Edmonton South. This was our second foray into the Tropika. First time, we had satay, home-style chicken, something else, and nsai goering. This time, we had satay, Malaysia bread with a crazy tamarind sauce, chicken and potato curry, and stuffed tofu with peanut sauce. I can't really go into detail on any of these things because normally my method is to nit-pick the failings of various places. This place is more awesomer than just about any other ethnic place I've ever been. The food is tasty, plentiful, and while not cheap, it is a good value. The food overwhelms you with flavours you don;t recognize (tamarind, lemongrass, coconut, pandan leaf, and others in strange combination make up a lot of the base) Really really good.

Five pints of Tiger Lager, everyone's favorite Malaysian beer.

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