Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'm not sure whether to be happy that my cat is getting more willing to sleep snuggled up with me, or to regret the fact that I will never sleep well again. My cat Koda started off sleeping next to the bathroom door down the hall from my bedroom. Slowly, however, over the course of several months, he has crept up the hallway through the bedroom door, until he was sleeping in my night-table on the little shelf where my books are supposed to go. Then, slowly but surely, he slipped from there to the foot of the bed, until last night when he was curled up next to my chest. I wouldn't mind, except that Koda isn't exactly a cuddly cat. He refuses, for example, to curl up on top of someone. Instead, if he wants to be where I am sleeping, he will hit me, repeatedly, with his paws. No claws...yet...just bapping me in the face and waking me up. I think he has decided that I am sleeping on his side of the bed, and that my sleep patterns will suffer for this indefinitely. I have two remedies for this behaviour. FIrst, if he is within arm's reach when this happens, I grab him and give him a big hug, trapping him and making him feel all uncomfortable and wanting to get away. If that doesn't work, he gets the sprayer. Unfortunately, the sprayer has been used so much that it takes several pulls on the trigger to get it spraying, and by then he has hidden. Not that getting him to leave me alone wasn't the original goal, but spraying my cat with water is just so satisfying.

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