Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What we did on Monday Night

On Monday night, we attended the annual Christmas Potluck of the Edmonton Homebrewer's Guild (my wife is so tolerant). At this meeting, I drank a great deal of very good beer, discovered that I had won a silver medal in at least one category in the Saskatoon Gambrinus Challenge (for the Wheat beer that was, in fact, up.) and We each won a prize in the 50/50.

I won a 650 ml bottle of beer (that is not otherwise available in Canada, thanks to those who hand-imported it) and Jenn won a 2 gig iPod Nano. Needless to say, there was no question that Jenn won the beer and I won the iPod. Why would you even think such a thing? That's dumb.

Speaking of contests, there are still 3 categories that I entered the Gambrinus in which have yet to be judged, so watch this space to see if there is anything else I will be winning.

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