Friday, July 14, 2006

Mmmmmmmm .... Beer.

Today, Jenn and I bottled the batch of beer that we had brewing in the storeroom. We had tried some raspberry beer at Swan's Brewpub in Victoria, liked it, and decided to make some ourselves. Happily, we were putting in an order to one of our more esoteric suppliers just as I got back and 120 ml of raspberry beer essence was obtained, along with a Brewhouse American Premium Lager kit and a couple of cases of bottles and some caps. I also snaked a bunch of supplies from my Dad's place when I was there on the way back from the coast.

We started the beer pretty soon after we got back, and siphoned it over almost right away again. It was during a heat wave that we started it, so I'm just as happy that I didn't go for the liquid yeast, which wouldn't have done so well in that heat. Today we got up the gumption to bottle, and wound up with 24 650 ml bottles and 20 or so 341 ml bottles. Plenty of beer for the money. The proof, however, will be in the tasting, which will not happen for another week or so, while we wait for it to carbonate itself.

Also, after that, I want to T&T supermarket and bought some frozen spring rolls, because they were on sale and we were out, and Shanghai noodles, which I made into our supper and tomorrow's lunch, and a duck, which will sit in my freezer until I decide I need to make Caneton a l'orange, sometime soon. If you want in on the big supper, let us know, because we need at least 2 other people to dig into a 5 pound duck with all the trimmings. T&T is having this really good sale, southeast Asian specialty foods, and as a result, they have got a bunch of Thai and Malaysian food in the hot counter which I totally want. Maybe sometime this week I will get some.

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