Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So then, like,

Upon finishing our time in Calgary, we hopped a plane for Victoria, or, rather, we trudged for the crack-of-dawn flight, and fought our way through the business travelers trying to hit Vancouver by their mid-morning meetings. Jenn had to sit next to a very rude woman on the plane, who had almost been detained at security for making a scene over her coffee cup. We flew out on a CRJ 200 and arrived at a reasonable time in Victoria. Upon our arrival, we were met by my Uncle, who drove us into town, set us up at the house, and left us unattended while we slept (Jenn) and sunburned (Owen).

Upon the return of our kind hosts, we dove into the Ginnantonyks and some very good Chinese food, and called it an early day.

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