Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Yeah, Reading Week!...

Well, reading week is almost half over and I still have way too much to do! It's not a break at all for me this time. I am trying desperately to get through as much reading and work ahead on as many assignments as I possibly can so that when crunch time comes I am not going crazy and I can focus on my practicing and getting ready for my recital. So, if you haven't seen or heard from me, that's why.

School is going pretty good so far, and this semester is half over now, I am glad to say. I am already registered for two summer courses this year and am actually really looking forward to my practicum next year.

I was really excited to realize I get to buy a nice dress next year as well as this year as this year I needed a dress for my recital, and next year I will need a dress for my Grad! Woot!

The dress I got for my recital is hot, can't wait to show it off at my recital! You'd better all be there...

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