Saturday, February 18, 2006

I got my cat fixed and all he got was this lousy jingle ball.

Poor Koda had to go to the Vet yesterday to have his junk removed. He seems to be okay with it, however, which is good. He also has a cool new tattoo, which will probably make all the other cats in the neigbourhood jealous. (We live in that kind of a neigbourhood, with brake shops and peeler bars.)

On a less happy note, WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON IN THE CANADA-SWITZERLAND GAME? We don't win at bobsled, they don't win at hockey!

Oh, and back to happy, I just made my version of a gourmet pizza that we had in Esquimalt. It has BBQ sauce instead of tomato sauce, and the toppings consist of red peppers, caramelized shallots, blue cheese and feta, and roast chicken. If I had any, I would have added bacon. I know... It sounds wierd... Try it... You'll like it.

Oh, and I got an early birthday present in the form of this book! I love this series. I hope they keep making them. I would love it if I could find, "The Food of Vietnam: A Food Lover's Journey."


Anonymous said...

I get to do this soon as well. The cat-fixing thing, not get upset about the olympics although those are sore losses or getting happy about presents.

Anonymous said...

So what you're saying is that you're not any happier today. What with the disturbingly similar hockey result, and all. Yeah.