Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quick Update

Hola, Amigos, I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been crazy at the Embracing the Lifestyle house. First, Jenn has been doing homework. Then I've been writing my thesis. Well, that's mostly it. Oh, I have also been going to flute recitals and the Opera this one time. That was pretty cool. La Bohem. Next year the EOC season is going to rock, with Don Giovanni, The Barber of Seville, and MacBeth. Wikkid. We are definitely getting tickets again. Time is clicking down towards Jenn's recital, now less than two weeks away, so we are busy getting ready for that, and we hope to see as many of you there as can come. Anyway, back to the grind.

1 comment:

Eleanor Parkes said...

Hey Owen, seems like a full plate. But it's really fortunate that you're still able to still leave a little post to let us know. How'd you come up with your good thesis ideas? I bet we could all use the pointers.