Friday, August 22, 2008


As of August 22, 2008, I have completed all of the requirements of Master of Laws. My convocation is on November 20, and if you want to celebrate, I think I may be feeling partyish at that point. This is the culmination of 4 years of research, hard work and procrastination, and I feel like I have accomplished something. About 6 students per year start their LL.M at the U of A, and every time someone graduates, an announcement is made via e-mail to the rest of the students. About 6 people have completed in the 4 years I have been at it. I suspect that the drop-out rate is around 75%, on that basis.

So, big kudos for me.


Electronic Goose said...

Congratulations! Now go party.

bwestcott said...

Ha, you finished on the same day as me! Although I'm sure yours was much much harder!

Andrea said...

Whoo hoo! congratulations!

Suz said...

Awesome, totally possum!!