Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Alberta Health

Well, our Christmas present budget may have gone the way of the Dough-Dough (see, an extinct bird pun). Alberta Health just tracked us down after two moves and dinged us with almost $1,100.00 in overdue premiums. We're applying for the subsidy, but Christmas shopping is on hold until such time as we can get this sorted out. Watch this space if you feel like you should be getting a present from us, because you will be able to find out for sure if you will not be getting one. Announcements will be made!

Stupid government.

Based on the forms and the website, we qualify. Based on what the person told me on the phone, we don't. All I can do is apply and find out.

What fun.


Suz said...


K. Donovan said...

Well, so much for my new Wii.

Kelly M. said...

The alternative is to have the sneaky bastards sneak it onto your provincial tax return. Biggest tax hike in Ontario history and barely anyone noticed, at least not enough to actually vote the guy out of office (the same one who promised not to raise taxes)