Monday, August 27, 2007

More exciting news from the people who brought you Jenn's new Job!

Jenn's new job the sequel - Owen's new Job!

Yes, you heard right, Owen has a new job. Starting in October, Owen will be doing the exact same thing as before, but for almost twice as much money. At the same time, Jenn will be doing different stuff than before, but for more than twice as much money.

All in all, When it comes to money, we will have more of it. What will we do with it, you ask? Pay off our scary-big loans. That and a trip to Scotland. And maybe some DVDs.


K. Donovan said...

Okay, but the sequel still stars Jen, right?

Anonymous said...


You are cordially invited to the nations capital in order to celebrate in the shadow of our great supreme court.

Tom said...

Congratulations on the new job!

Suz said...

Awesome possum! Kudos to both of you!