Thursday, February 15, 2007

Almost Done... So Close, yet so far....

Well, I have officially finished my last class in my undergrad career. I have unfortunately been incredibly disappointed by the course and the instructor. The instructor has been incredibly oppinionated and aloof, and really hasn't taught me anything. It's like he thinks he's the Pope and he thinks we should just take everything he says as the Gospel Truth. Well, I don't think so I am afraid. I have had a lot of exposure to the "School Band World" and I know that I don't have to take what he says as the be all end all, I just feel bad for my classmates who don't know as much about band and will take what he says as the be all end all. Ugh. Well, it over. I don't have to do anymore of his waste of time assignments, or answer anymore of his unrealistic, hypothetical questions, not like he ever left us anytime to answer any how, he mostly talked the whole class and NEVER, EVER, EVER let anyone else say anything. Egotistical jerk. Anyhow, I digress and aware that I am ranting and you, the reader, probably don't care.

I still have a paper and a project to do and hand in tomorrow, and then I am completely done with my classes at the University. I still have to teach my 9 week practicum, but I am looking forward to it, I think it will be a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...

Inspired by a random memory of the Halloween where your brother dressed as the Very Model of the Modern Major-General, I Googled your name. I found your wedding page, came to the blog, browsed some of your photos, and recognized you right away. That Jenn wore a shirt that read "I heart nerds" only confirmed my suspicions.

It's great to see, Owen, after all these years, that you've done so well for yourself. I always felt badly that we fell out of touch. You were always a very kind, thoughtful, and generous friend, and I didn't fully appreciate that until reflection years later. But I always valued it and I never forgot it.

A two-years-late congratulations on your marriage, and a many-years-late how's-it-going!

(kyle shift2 rfk unshifted> ca)

(Oh, so what have I done with my life? Well, among other things,

K. Donovan said...

Bleah. I've had profs like that. You have my sympathy. Also, I don't remember dressing as a Modern Major-General. But I may have suppressed it depending on who I may or may not have been dating at the time.

I assume that meant me, on account of Mrs. Lifestyle doesn't have any brothers.